What will Change in your life when you start your coaching journey?

Personal Growth: Coaching encourages self-discovery and personal growth. By challenging limiting beliefs and exploring new perspectives, you'll unlock your full potential and develop new skills to navigate challenges effectively.

Tidy up your life: With my guidance, you can declutter your mind, life, and physical space, freeing yourself from distractions and negative influences.

Share your creativity with the world: Whether your goals involve writing a book, diving into content creation, launching a business or project, or simply living with purpose.

Sustainable Change and Lasting Results: Coaching facilitates sustainable change and lasting results, unlike quick fixes or temporary solutions. By working with a coach, you'll develop the skills, mindset, and habits needed to thrive long-term.

Overcoming Obstacles and Limiting Beliefs: Coaching provides a supportive environment for overcoming obstacles and challenging limiting beliefs that may hold you back. With the guidance of a coach, you'll develop resilience and a positive mindset to overcome any challenges.

Improved Confidence and Self-Esteem: You'll gain confidence in yourself and your abilities through coaching. As you progress toward your goals and overcome obstacles, your self-esteem will improve, empowering you to tackle future challenges with resilience.

"Giving yourself space and time can lead to the birth of more creativity, better creativity, and some of your best work"

- Jay Shetty.

Tahani AlHajri

Certified life and success coach by Jay Shetty

Published Auther

Content Creator

Social Activist

Certified consultant by Marie Kondo (KonMari) for home tidying

MSc International business and finance - University of Derby, UK.

What Coaching Is Not?

Therapy or Counseling: While coaching may address some psychological aspects, it is not therapy or counseling. Coaching focuses on the present and future, helping clients move forward rather than delving into past trauma or mental health issues.


Consulting: Coaching is not consulting, where an expert provides specific advice or solutions based on their expertise. Instead, coaches empower clients to find their answers and solutions through self-discovery and reflection.


Mentoring: Coaching is not mentoring, where a more experienced individual guides and advises a less experienced person based on their knowledge and experience. 


A Quick Fix: Coaching is not a quick fix or a magic solution to all problems. It requires commitment, effort, and time to see meaningful results. Clients must be willing to engage fully in the coaching process to achieve their goals.

A Dictatorial Relationship: Coaching is not about the coach dictating what the client should do. Instead, it's a collaborative process where clients can make choices and decisions.


“During our session, Tahani helped me identify what’s causing my stress in life, and toward the end, we worked out action steps to improve the situation. She is patient and professional. I enjoyed the session! “ 

Tammy, Australia

What is Coaching?

Collaborative Partnership: Coaching is a collaborative partnership between the coach and the client. It's a supportive relationship built on trust, respect, and confidentiality.

Goal-Oriented: Coaching focuses on helping clients set and achieve specific goals. Whether personal or professional, the coach works with the client to clarify their objectives and develop a plan to reach them.

Empowering: Coaching empowers clients to find their answers and solutions. Rather than providing advice or telling clients what to do, coaches ask powerful questions, challenge assumptions, and encourage self-discovery.

Action-Oriented: Coaching emphasizes taking action and making progress towards desired outcomes. Coaches help clients break down their goals into manageable steps and hold them accountable for taking consistent action.

Supportive and Non-Judgmental: Coaches provide a supportive and non-judgmental space for clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. They offer empathy, encouragement, and constructive feedback without criticism.

Focused on Growth and Development: Coaching is focused on personal and professional growth and development. Coaches help clients identify their strengths, overcome obstacles, and reach their full potential.

Confidential: Coaching sessions are personal, creating a safe environment for clients to share openly and honestly without fear of judgment or repercussions.